Not So Sloppy Joes - total time 40 minutes

Oh boy, I am such a messy eater.  My husband can always tell when I've been getting into something sweet because I somehow end up with chocolate on my face.  I really have no idea how it happens, but he always notices!  I swear it's happened when I haven't had anything with chocolate...

So if it happens with a bit of chocolate, you can imagine what happens with something like wings or... heaven help me... sloppy joes.  You don't even want to see the damage afterward.

As a result, I have steered clear of the sloppy joe sandwiches.  The occasional exception needs to be open-faced with fork and 10 napkins in hand.

But what if you could make it less messy?  Why not make it encompass all of the sloppiness?  My husband called these sloppy joe hot pockets... but I would like to think these are of higher quality than a microwaved, processed, pocket of heat.  It really is just sloppy joe made from scratch (although I just ran out of my own canned tomatoes) and just like you would eat a normal sloppy joe, just all wrapped up!  Perfect for lunches and days your short on napkins.  :)

1 lb whole wheat pizza dough
1 can crushed tomatoes
1 lb. ground turkey
1 bell pepper, minced
1 medium onion, minced
4 garlic cloves, mined
.5 cup shredded cheese
1 tbsp chili pepper
salt and pepper

1.  Heat pan to medium heat and add ground turkey with chili powder, salt, and pepper.  Cook for about 6 minutes while stirring the turkey to cook all sides.
2.  Mince pepper, onion, and garlic to add to the ground turkey.  Stir in and cook for another 2 minutes.  Add in whole can of tomatoes (including juices), stir in, and let reduce down for 5 minutes.
3.  Roll out the dough and cut into 8 equal chunks,  Make sure to use extra flour to prevent the dought from sticking to everything.  
4.  Sprinkle a bit a shredded cheese on the dough.  Add a half cup of sloppy joe mixure, then tip with a bit more cheese.  Close up the dough pocket and place seem side down on a lined cookie sheet.
5.  Spray pockets with a little olive oil and top with a small amount of cheese (mostly for presentation) and bake for 20 minutes.  Allow to cool for 1-3 minutes before cutting in half and serving.

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