Fajita Campfire Packets - total time 40 minutes

You know that perfect spot in a campfire to roast marshmallows?  Right by the red embers not too close to the flame.  It gets the marshmallow gooey and lightly toasted without catching them on fire.  Well, that same spot is the perfect place to cook your dinner too!  Just wrap the ingredients in heavy foil, spray with cooking spray, carefully put the foil packet in that perfect spot, and enjoy some perfectly cooked dinner in about 30 minutes.

I made this dinner while we were camping last weekend.  As soon as I got everything on the campfire to cook, the sky opened up and it started to pour.  We took cover in our Jeep and checked every single weather app on our phones... possible tornadoes.  Eek!  Thankfully the storm passed by pretty quickly.  There were a lot of puddles and the ground was muddy, but the campfire was still hanging in there (thanks to good tree cover)... but only by a little bit.  The rain made the whole fire those perfect red embers for cooking.  Surprisingly everything cooked just right and as the sun came out, we were chowing down on some delicious camp food.  :)

1 lb. chicken
1 medium onion, chopped
1 bell pepper, chopped
1-2 hot peppers, chopped
2 ears of corn
.5 cup shredded cheese
1 tbsp cooking spray
1 tsp chili powder
salt and pepper

1.  Liberally spray heavy foil with cooking spray.  Chop onions and peppers and add to the foil.  Cut corn kernels off the cob and add to the pile in the foil.
2.  Cut chicken into slices and add to the pile.  Sprinkle chili powder, salt, and pepper and then spray with more cooking spray.
3.  Fold each end of the foil in to close the packet.  Place in your campfire using long thongs on hot coals (not in the direct  flame).  Cook for 15 minutes, then flip and rotate.  Cook for 15 minutes more.
4.  Remove foil packets from fire and dump contents on to a plate and top with cheese.  Dig in!

No utensils?  Bring some tortillas and eat with your hands!  :)

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