Celebrated three years of drinkupcolumbus with a couple local brews. Got to sit in the company-I-work-for's suite for the Clipper's game on Friday. They kept some of the stuff from Cooper stadium, so every time I go to Huntington Park it takes me back! Finally got some drinks a Denmark where they take the time to make your drink right. Headed over to Hayden Run to the 35 foot waterfall in the middle of the city and then took a stroll along the river. Finished up the weekend hanging out with my college roommates, one of which was in from Chi-town. Wish we could get together more often!
I love the busy summer schedule... but weekends are typically when I catch up on sleep, not get less than I do on 'school nights'. I'm so ready for a nap!
This week's menu...
rosemary parm chicken and asparagus on the grill!
Thanks for coming to the Drink Up party!